


DSD (Digital Smile Design) / Smile Makeover

We have dentist with specialist in smile design, performing procedures necessary to change the colour, size, shape, and position of the teeth, taking into account important aspects such as the shape of the face, the colour of the skin and in general the context of the patient.

Smile design is focused on providing harmony and aesthetics to the patient. For this reason, the smile design of each person is different and may require the intervention of one or several specific areas such as:

Teeth Whitening: Improves the colour of the teeth.

Conservative Dentistry: Improve the colour, shape or size of the teeth.

Rehabilitation: Replace missing teeth.

Periodontics: Improve the health and aspect of the gums and bone.

Orthodontics: Improve the position of the teeth.






Teeth whitening in Elephant&Castle/Borough

People with a confident, bright smile are more open in social relations, they make better first impressions, tend to be more friendly and easy-going, which affects both their career and private life in an undeniably positive way.

Have your smile renewed!

if your teeth have discoloured or simply, you’d like the to be even whiter, which would enable you to smile more confidently, you’re recommended to undergo professional teeth whitening. ​


  1. Professional chair side teeth whitening.
  2. Home teeth whitening with custom made trays.
  3. The combination of the above two, for a long-term result.
  4. Internal whitening of root canal treated tooth.

Having revealed the cause of discolouration in the course of comprehensive physical examination, our experienced dentist will tell you which teeth whitening technique would be the best for you.

In each case it is advisable to avoid smoking and the consumption of foods and beverages that tend to stain your teeth for 2-3 days after the treatment.

It is clinically proven that teeth whitening supervised by professional dentist or hygienist is absolutely safe, it does not trigger any harmful effects in the dental tissues.

The colour of dental restorations like fillings, inlays and crowns can’t be changed with whitening, but they can be replaced after having reached the desired colour with the whitening agents. The result will be bright, evenly white smile. ​

The whole appointment lasts about an hour, made up of three 20 minutes sessions.  The teeth will get 5-8 shades whiter thanks to the whitening agent and special light source which activates it.

Prior to the actual whitening itself, regular dental cleaning with overall scale and polish is necessary. Then the lips and the gums are covered with rubber dump and a special gel is applied to protect them from the whitening agent during the treatment.

Once the whitening gel is applied onto the surface of the teeth it is activated with a special UVB light exposure.

At the end of the bleaching a special protective substance is placed on the teeth. 48 hours following the treatment for the best result it is recommended to avoid the consumption of foods and beverages such us coffee, tea or red wine. Temporary sensitivity might occur 1-2 days following treatment. If sensitivity is stronger than usual, Sensodyne Rapid toothpaste or a simple treatment at the dentist will kill the unpleasant feeling.

The result can be maintained in the long run with home tray whitening method which is also available at our Elephant&Castle/Borough dental practice.

Regular dental cleaning with scale and polish is necessary prior to the treatment.

An impression is taken of your teeth, based on which you will be given your custom fitted plastic whitening tray, which exactly fits your individual dentition. You need to fill the tray with whitening agent and place it on your teeth.

You might experience smaller piercing feelings, which will vanish in a day. If serious sensitivity occurs, take a break with the whitening. Clean your tray every day and keep it dry after use.​

Discoloured, root canal treated tooth can be whitened as well, which is done from the inside out. Parts of the root canal filling are removed, and whitening gel is placed inside the tooth.  Which is then temporarily closed. The result can be seen within hours, but it gets spectacular after 2-3 days. If necessary, the whitening procedure can be repeated.



Composite Bonding in Elephant&Castle/Borough

Composite Bonding is used to improve the appearance of teeth. Bonding involves the addition of tooth-coloured resin material, called composite, to the natural tooth. It can be used to close small gaps between teeth as well.

Composite Bonding is a minimal invasive dental treatment, so no tooth structure must be trimmed. The procedure is done in the dental surgery on the same day without the need of dental laboratories. You can improve the aesthetic of your smile faster and cheaper than having porcelain restorations.




Veneers in Elephant&Castle/Borough

Dental Veneer is a restoration made of a thin tooth-coloured material, which covers only the labial, lip-facing part of a tooth. There are two types of veneers: porcelain veneers and composite veneers. Veneers are prepared mainly due to aesthetic reason. Using special preparation technique severe tooth discolouration, irregular tooth shape and gaps between the incisors can be corrected perfectly with dental veneers.


The advantage of veneers

  • Highly translucent
  • Minimal preparation of the tooth surface
  • Metal free, anti-allergen
  • Natural looking smile

When do we recommend veneers?

  • Discoloured, stained teeth
  • Misaligned teeth or irregular shapes
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Immediate after orthodontic treatments to improve the aesthetic of aligned teeth